Sunday 19 March 2017

Battlefield Hardline Review

Game Summary/Trailer:
Battlefield Hardline is a first-person shooter video game developed by Visceral Games in collaboration with EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts. It was released in March, 2015 for Microsoft Windows, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox one. Unlike the previous games in the Battlefield series, Hardline focuses on crime, heist and policing elements instead of military warfare.
The game has most of the same game modes as the other Battlefield games like conquest and Capture the Flag but now the creatures have added new, more exciting game modes.
There are many new game modes in Hardline including "Heist","Rescue","Hotwire","Blood Money" and "Crosshair":
Heist- In this one team ,The robbers, rob a armored truck and the other team, The Police, must stop them before they get to the extraction point.

Blood Money- This game mode is when two teams race to the center of the map and collect money from crates and take it back to their armored truck. Teams can steal from each other by killing one another, the team that makes it to $5 million first wins.
Hotwire- In this, the traditional game mode conquest is remade in a different way. teams must get in cars and drive around draining the other teams tickets to win. Instead of capturing the flag they capture a car and the team who reduces the other's to zero or who has the most tickets when the time is up wins.
Rescue- This game mode is very simple, one team rescues the target and the other team tries to kill the rescuers. The two teams are S.W.A.T and Criminals, for the S.W.A.T to win they must rescue the target and for the Criminals to win they must kill all of the S.W.A.T before time runs out.
Crosshair- In this game mode Criminals are trying to kill a player controlled VIP on the cops side who is a former gang member turned states witness. The criminals win by killing the VIP and the cops win by getting the VIP to the extraction point.
My opinion:
In my opinion this is a pretty fun game, the new game modes are a nice addition to it. Along wit other different guns and very unique melee weapons. My favorite weapons to use is the taser, I find it very funny that in the gam it kills someone immediately unlike in real life. Also I personally like that they have some of the guns from older games in it still. There are some bad things about the game though, I think the campaign could have been better and just some little things about online that aren't that big of a deal. In the end I think I would give this game a 9/10 since it does have some problems.


  1. Makes me want to get a ps4. Good stuff.

  2. Being tazered (even if it's just in a video game) does not sound like fun!
