Tuesday 15 November 2016

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Review

Game Summary:
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is a first person shooter game developed by treyarch and developed by Activision. It was released on November 13th, 2012 for Pc and Consoles. This was the first game in the Call of Duty franchise to feature future warfare technology and the first to present branching storylines driven by player choice as well as selecting weapons before starting story mode missions. It also offers a 3D display option.
Known as "Strike Force missions" these branching storylines appear during the 2025 storyline and feature permanent death. The success or failure of these missions are what predict the future for the rest of the campaign storyline. Choosing one the of the missions locks out the others unless the player begins a new campaign.

One of the biggest changes to multiplayer is the pick ten for the create-a-class menu, which gives the player of 10 total slots in a class, which are used for guns,perks, grenades and more. kill streaks were renamed Score streaks, which are not gained by kills but by points. This allows the player to focus on objective modes, which also earns points towards score streaks. Unlike the games before it, Black ops 2 has a weapon progression system which is used to unlock weapon attachments. After the weapon is at maximum level the player can choose to "prestige" it or not.

Zombies got an upgrade with another game mode other than the usual survival, which it is called "Grief". This game mode is an 8 player co-op, featuring 2 teams of 4 players competing to survive. other than this the survival is basically the same only tat the graphics are better which made the zombies much scarier.

My Opinion:
I really liked this game on Xbox 360 and wish treyarch would remaster it for Xbox one so I could play it in high quality. Over all I loved playing all the game modes, especially multiplayer because this was one of the first games I played that you could create your own color and the ones you unlock are really nice as well. Zombies was very fun but at night, it used to wake me right back up when I would dose off.
Game play videos:


  1. I would play it on Xbox one too, good blog and I agree with your analysis.

  2. Looks hectic. I think this game would stress me out.

  3. Modern Warfare hit, I like many others were blown away by the sheer amount of enjoyment I was getting from a console shooter that didn't have the name Halo in it.Call of Duty WWII Hack
